Letter Writing for Advocacy

The Letter Writing for Advocacy activity is a practical and empowering tool for Climate Resilience Groups, aimed at amplifying their voices in the climate change dialogue. This 20-minute session is designed to teach participants how to effectively communicate their concerns and suggestions to policymakers and local organizations through letter writing. Suitable for any group size, the activity involves providing participants with the necessary materials and guidance to articulate their perspectives on climate issues using sample letters or templates. This direct approach not only facilitates constructive engagement with climate advocacy but also helps individuals feel more connected and proactive in their community's environmental efforts. By concluding with the collective action of mailing these letters, the activity reinforces the impact of unified, grassroots advocacy in driving change.


  • Briefly explain the importance and impact of advocacy through letter writing.

  • Distribute writing materials and provide addresses of representatives or organizations.

  • Offer guidance on letter structure and content, possibly through sample letters or templates.

  • Allow participants time to write their letters, focusing on specific climate concerns and solutions.

  • Conclude by collecting the letters for mailing or instruct participants on how to send them.


  • Approximately 20 minutes

Group Size: 

  • Flexible, can be adapted for both small and large groups.

Materials/Resources Needed:

  • Writing materials (paper, pens, envelopes).

  • Addresses of local representatives or organizations.

  • Sample letters or templates.

  • Information about current climate concerns and solutions.

Accessibility Considerations:

  • Provide alternative formats for those who may have difficulty with traditional writing (e.g., computers for typing).

  • Ensure all materials are accessible for individuals with mobility or visual impairments.


  • Encourage personal stories or local examples in the letters to make them more impactful.

  • Remind participants to be respectful and constructive in their messaging.

  • Consider a follow-up session to discuss any responses received.


Journaling Session


Local Environmental Issue Discussion