
Think-Pair-Share is an effective strategy for Climate Resilience Groups seeking to stimulate collaborative idea generation and discussion in a 30-45 minute session. Participants begin by individually reflecting on a specific question or topic related to climate resilience, jotting down their thoughts on paper. They then pair up with another participant to discuss their ideas, fostering diverse perspectives and joint solutions. During the sharing phase, each pair reports back to the full group, with key points recorded for visibility. This structured approach promotes active engagement, equitable participation, and the generation of a broad spectrum of ideas, making it ideal for groups committed to fostering inclusive dialogue and innovative thinking in their climate resilience efforts.


  • Think:

    • Provide a specific question or topic related to climate resilience, such as "What are effective community-based strategies to enhance climate resilience?" or "How can we improve local awareness and action on climate change?"

    • Give participants a few minutes to independently jot down their thoughts and ideas on paper.

  • Pair:

    • Ask participants to pair up with another person (ideally someone they haven't paired with before to encourage diversity of ideas).

    • In pairs, participants discuss their individual ideas, compare their thoughts, and develop a joint perspective or a combined list of solutions.

  • Share:

    • Each pair selects one member to share their discussion outcomes with the full group.

    • As pairs report back, a facilitator or a designated note-taker records the key points from each pair on a flipchart or whiteboard, making them visible to everyone.

    • Encourage a brief open floor after each pair's presentation for any clarifying questions or additional comments.


  • Approximately 30-45 minutes

Group Size: 

  • Suitable for any group size, though adaptations may be necessary for very large groups.

Materials/Resources Needed:

  • Paper and pens for individual note-taking

  • Comfortable seating that facilitates easy pairing and group discussions

Accessibility Considerations:

  • Ensure that the venue is accessible for all participants.

  • Provide materials that accommodate different abilities, such as large print materials or speech-to-text options.


  • Encourage participants to explore both practical and innovative ideas during their discussions.

  • Make sure the reporting back session remains concise to keep the group engaged.

  • Works well for Engaging all participants actively, promoting equity in voice and participation, and generating a wide range of ideas.

  • For larger groups, consider having multiple pairs share simultaneously in different breakout spaces or using digital tools for group sharing to manage time efficiently. This setup helps maintain momentum and ensures that all ideas are heard without overwhelming the larger group.


Talk Show


Two Truths and a Lie