Eco-Action Planning

The Eco-Action Planning activity is a practical and collaborative session designed for Climate Resilience Groups to create tangible, actionable strategies for environmental stewardship. Lasting approximately 30 minutes, this activity is versatile, accommodating both small and large groups, with larger groups divided into smaller teams for effective brainbrowseing. Using tools like whiteboards or large sheets of paper, participants outline eco-friendly initiatives that they can realistically implement within their communities or personal lives. This structured brainbrowseing is followed by a sharing session, allowing each team to present their ideas and gather feedback. The session concludes by consolidating these individual or group commitments into a collective action plan, which can be distributed and followed up on in subsequent meetings. This proactive approach not only fosters a sense of community and shared responsibility but also empowers participants to make immediate and impactful environmental changes.


  • Begin with a brief discussion on the importance of eco-friendly initiatives.

  • Divide the group into smaller teams for brainbrowseing, if necessary.

  • Guide each group or individual to identify simple, actionable eco-friendly actions they can commit to.

  • Facilitate a sharing session where each group or individual presents their plan.

  • Conclude by compiling a collective action plan, which could be distributed later via email or a shared document.


  • Approximately 30 minutes

Group Size: 

  • Adaptable for small to large groups. Larger groups can be divided into smaller sub-groups for brainbrowseing.

Materials/Resources Needed:

  • Whiteboard and markers, or large sheets of paper for brainbrowseing.

  • Pens and notepads for individual note-taking.

  • Optional: Access to the internet for researching ideas.

Accessibility Considerations:

  • Ensure the venue and materials are accessible to participants with physical disabilities.

  • Provide options for participants to contribute verbally or in writing, accommodating various communication preferences.


  • Encourage realistic and manageable action steps.

  • Focus on actions that can have a tangible impact and are easy to implement.

  • Consider follow-up sessions to track the progress of these action plans.


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