Resources for Everyone

Worries and anxieties related to climate change are common and normal! However, it’s still important to protect your mental health and find ways to meaningfully cope with these concerns.

We’ve put together some of the leading resources for dealing with mental health distress related to climate change.

Therapists & Counsellors

Climate Aware Therapist Directory by the Climate Psychology Alliance of North America

This directory provides a list of climate-aware psychologists in the US, UK, and Canada

Guides and Toolkits

Climate Doom to Messy Hope: Climate Healing & Resilience: A Practical Handbook for Climate Educators and Community

This theory-to-practice handbook is grounded in a commitment to fostering deeper understandings and connections to how we can support mindful and proactive navigation of magnifying climate change impacts on individual and community mental health and wellbeing.

Exploring Climate Change and Mental Health 

This toolkit is designed for use by educators to empower students to think critically about the structural and socio-political inequities that affect them while centering climate change and mental health through embedded reflective exercises.

Hold This Space

This digital tool helps users process difficult emotions, imagine a better future, and learn more about the impact of collective climate action. Hold this space is designed for young adults and provides a self-guided journey that aims to restore hope, agency, and ambition towards a sustainable future.

Climate Wellbeing Resource Kit by The UBC Climate Hub

This 15-page toolkit guides readers through a multi-step process for understanding their values, emotions, and behaviours related to climate change and the environment.

Coping with Climate Distress Booklet by The Australian Psychological Society

This 12-page overview of strategies for coping with climate distress covers behavioural, relational, cognitive, and emotional coping strategies for managing your feelings about climate change.

The Climate Change Empowerment Handbook by the Australian Psychological Society

This 39-page handbook provides psychological strategies to tackle climate change.


Work on Climate Slack Channel

This slack community provides action-oriented opportunities for taking on climate change.

Climate Journal Project

This online community provides guided reflections and challenges, designed to help you build resilience against eco-anxiety so you can live with greater joy and purpose as we face major environmental changes ahead.

The Good Grief Network

This 10-week program is a paid ($300 to $600 USD) group-style intervention for climate-related distress.

All We Can Save Circles Project by Dr. Katherine Wilkinson

These group meetings provide people who are hungry for a deeper dialogue about the climate crisis.

Eco-Anxious Stories

This website provides an opportunity for people to share stories about their experiences with climate distress.

Climate Tic TALK Circle

This is a free peer-to-peer emotional support group for people who want to build personal resilience and share visions for sustainable future.


Generation Dread by Britt Wray

This book explores eco-anxiety and how people can manage and mobilize their anxieties for climate action. You can also join the GenDread Community Substack.

Emotional Resiliency in the Era of Climate Change

This book addresses the psychospiritual underpinnings of climate denial, explains motivators for change, identifies communication strategies, and offers resiliency practices for individuals and communities faced with climate-induced trauma, grief, anxiety, and depression.


No Place Like Home Podcast by Mary Anne Hitt and Anna Jane Joyner

This podcast explores the personal stories and experiences of people grappling with climate change.

Facing It Podcast by Jennifer Atkinson

This podcast explores the emotional burden of climate change, and why despair leaves so many people unable to respond to our existential threat.


Resources for Mental Healthcare Providers

Climate-aware counseling approaches are not widely taught in most credentialing programs, but it has never been more important to follow evidence-based approaches and professional standards for climate distress.

Professional Associations

Addressing Climate Change Concerns in Practice

This continuing education course provides opportunities for APA practitioners to develop skills for addressing climate anxiety.

Psychology for a Safe Climate

This organization contributes psychological understanding and support within the community, helping people face the difficult climate reality.

Ecotherapy and Climate Conscious Therapy Training and Consultation for Mental Health Professionals

This is a 10-session online group, presented in English, open to participants worldwide. The group meets weekly for 60 minutes with optional 20-minute debrief and discussion.

Emotional Resilience Toolkit for Climate Work

A handbook designed to provide emotional support, resources, and tools for eco-anxiety, grief, and the range of feelings that accompany climate work

Climate Psychologists 4 Future

This group includes psychologists and psychotherapists who bring our psychological and therapeutic expertise to deal with the climate crisis and to promote a sustainable future.

Climate Psychiatry Alliance

The CPA is a group of psychiatrists who raise awareness about the impacts of climate change on mental health, do what we can to mitigate climate distress, and join with others to address root causes of the climate crisis.

Climate Psychology Alliance of North America

The CPA-NA is a community of mental health professionals who educate and train mental health professionals in climate-aware practices and inform the public about the mental health impacts of climate change.

Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment

This group is a professional association for Canadian Healthcare providers working to improve human health by protecting the planet.

Canadian Association of Nurses for the Environment

This group represents Nurses dedicated to the improvement of environmental health across all domains of nursing practice, policy, research and education.


Quarterly Knowledge Exchange with Dr. Lindsay Galway

Join Dr. Lindsay Galway, an associate professor at Lakehead University as she delves into the Insights and Reflections from Climate Emotions Research across Canada.

Suggest a Resources

There are hundreds of resources available to support people facing climate distress. These range from books and podcasts to community groups and counseling programs.

If you know of a unique resource that is widely accessible to people living in Canada, please let us know and we will review it to see if it is appropriate for the list above.